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4Y needle cartridges – just for you!

4Y needle cartridges – great selection and fair prices!

A great selection and a very fair price-performance ratio - that's what characterizes our Premier Products range of 4Y needle modules for tattoo machines. Whether Round Liner, Round Shader, Magnum or Round Magnum - the 4Y Needle Cartridges are available in a total of 71 different variations in our shop.

Shop 4Y Needle Cartridges now!

Good quality at a moderate price - that’s what the 4Y needle cartridges stand for. Each box contains 20 EO gas sterilized and hygienically individually packaged cartridges. The taper and tip length of the 4Y needle modules are always long tapers, i.e. long tips that generally cause less trauma to the skin of your customers during the lancing process.


The number of the respective configuration is stamped on the top of the 4Y needle modules. So you always know which needle version is currently in your machine. You can choose between different common needle diameters (0.25 mm, 0.30 mm, 0.35 mm and even 0.50 mm), needle configurations (Round Liner/RL, Round Shader/RS, Magnum/M and Round Magnum/RM) and finally a different number of needles (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 23 or 25).

But why do you need such a wide range of configurations for your creative work? Which tattoo needles are suitable for what? Even if you already know all of this, we will briefly recapitulate the basics from the tattoo needle jungle.

The diameter, also called diameter, simply tells you the thickness of the needles. 0.35 millimetres is the most common diameter for most needles, but 0.30 millimetres is the most common diameter for needles used for lining. The count indicates then, just as simply, how many individual needles are built into the module. The configuration, however, makes the decisive difference in terms of the design possibilities for tattooing. It indicates how the needles are grouped together. Thus, the configuration determines the shape or pattern in which the ink will penetrate the skin.


Buy 4Y - 1er Round Liner 0.50mm - Tattoo Needle Cartridges now!

4Y Round Liner: Always a perfect fit

With the Round Liner (short RL), the needles are grouped in a tight round formation which, when viewed from above, is somewhat reminiscent of a stylized flower. The tips of the liner needles are soldered all around. Therefore, round liner modules are perfect for stitching precise lines of all kinds, such as outlines. The diameter of the needles and the number of needles used in a Round Liner configuration determine how intensively you can mark with it: 1 RL, i.e. a Round Liner with only one needle, enables very delicate lines, 15 RL or 18 RL, i.e. Round Liners with 15 or 18 needles, leave correspondingly more intensive and powerful lines.

Round liners are available from 4Y in four different needle sizes and with a particularly large number of different needle quantities, so that you can select the module to fit your tattoo project extremely precisely.

 You have the choice between:

  • 4Y Tattoo Needle Cartridges Round Liner 0.25 mm as 1 RL, 3 RL, 5 RL, 7 RL or 9 RL
  • 4Y Tattoo Needle Cartridges Round Liner 0.30 mm as 1 RL, 3 RL, 5 RL, 7 RL, 9 RL, 11 RL, 13 RL, 15 RL, 18 RL
  • 4Y Tattoo Needle Cartridges Round Liner 0.35 mm as 1 RL, 3 RL, 5 RL, 7 RL, 9 RL, 11 RL, 13 RL, 15 RL, 18 RL
  • 4Y Tattoo Needle Cartridges Round Liner 0.50 mm, only as 1 RL

Round needles are quite easy to handle. Choose the size of the needle based on the size of the area to be stitched. The 4Y Round Liner 0.50 mm is a real power liner in terms of diameter - a single needle is quite sufficient for very expressive results!


Buy 4Y - Round Shader 0.30mm - Tattoo Needle Cartridges now!

4Y Round Shader: From the line to the surface

With the Round Shader (short RS) the needles are grouped in a slightly looser round formation than with the Round Liner. The tips of the needles are therefore further apart than Round Liner needles. This means that you can draw thicker lines with the Round Shader configuration, but you can also use it for filling or for simple shading. For this purpose, 4Y offers you a total of 14 different variations:

  • 4Y Tattoo Needle Cartridges Round Shader 0.30 mm (3 RS, 5 RS, 7 RS, 9 RS, 11 RS, 13 RS, 15 RS)
  • 4Y Tattoo Needle Cartridges Round Shader 0.35 mm (3 RS, 5 RS, 7 RS, 9 RS, 11 RS, 13 RS, 15 RS)

With a 0.35mm-15RS you can shave away all sorts of things ... Nevertheless, you should only work on smaller areas with the round shader configuration; for large areas the following format is much better suited and also saves energy:


Shop 4Y - Magnum 0.35mm - Tattoo Needle Cartridges now!

4Y Magnum: The power pack

Magnum configurations (short M) are the classic choice for shading and colorpacking. Here, at least five needles are arranged in two rows on top of each other, but there can also be 25 needles. This allows the needle module to absorb and release a lot of ink, and the pigment distribution is more consistent with a magnum needle than with a round needle. In short: Magnums can "really smash things", that is why colorpacking and shading are the most fun with this type of needle.

With the 4Y Magnums you have the choice between:

  • 4Y Tattoo Needle Cartridges Magnum 0.30 mm (5 M, 7 M, 9 M, 11 M, 13 M, 15 M, 19 M, 23 M, 25 M)
  • 4Y Tattoo Needle Cartridges Magnum 0.35 mm (5 M, 7 M, 9 M, 11 M, 13 M, 15 M, 19 M, 23 M, 25 M)

Because you can apply a lot of color in just a few passes with a Magnum needle cartridge, your customers' skin will not only be enchanted with your work more quickly, but will also be less stressed and traumatized. However, with magnums, there is a risk that the edges of the needle grouping will dig too deeply into the skin if handled clumsily.


Shop 4Y - Round Magnum 0.35mm - Tattoo Needle Cartridges now

4Y Round Magnum: The gentle giant

The ultimate in gentle treatment for customers are the Round Magnum tattoo needles (short RM), also known as Soft Edge Magnum needles. The needles here also appear in a row of two with an odd number, but their tips are arranged with varying lengths in a gentle arc in the shape of a half moon. When you use Round Magnums for shading and colorpacking, the skin is less affected when tattooing, because you prick in and out more gently. At the same time, you can create smoother transitions and shadings with this configuration.

Of course, 4Y also has a remarkably large selection of Round Magnum configurations available for you:

  • 4Y Tattoo Needle Cartridges Round Magnum 0,30 mm (5 RM, 7 RM, 9 RM, 11 RM, 13 RM, 15 RM, 19 RM, 23 RM, 25 RM)
  • 4Y Tattoo Needle Cartridges Round Magnum 0.35 mm (5 RM, 7 RM, 9 RM, 11 RM, 13 RM, 15 RM, 19 RM, 23 RM, 25 RM)

Grasped with a master hand!

The needle configurations that best suit you and your style are, of course, determined by experience - and sometimes spontaneously by intuition. Therefore, it is wise to have a varied selection of needle modules in different configurations, gauges and counts in stock, for example in the good and inexpensive versions from 4Y. Because who knows what ideas you will come up with ...


We would be very happy if this blog post could inspire you to try out the 4Y needle modules - according to your needs and preferences. Or maybe you have already had some experience with the 4Y Tattoo Needle Cartridges? Then write a comment on this post - our Premier Products community is curious to hear your feedback!

If you have any questions about the 4Y Tattoo Needle Cartridges and their compatibility with your tattoo machine, just send an email to our support or give us a call - we'll be happy to advise you.

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